This morning I was feeling especially “put upon,” full of self-pity, exhausted from a night of no sleep, tired of the daily grind that faced me again today. I exploded on everyone in my path, which sent them scurrying off mumbling, “What’s up with her?” which left me feeling alone, misunderstood and unloved. Ever been in that downward cycle?
Mercifully, I know that in times like these, I just need to get alone with God. But I wasn’t prepared for what He so clearly spoke to my heart.
“What if the one who needs a healing miracle is not Mary Addison” (our 23 year old daughter with special needs)? What if it is you? What if she was sent from Me to heal you and the rest of the world who are looking at things the wrong way?”
He continued, “Her life speaks of My Power, never her own. She is not ‘special.’ She is holy. She has chosen holiness, and given up all separate dreams of power and notoriety. In humility, she knows she is My Child. She recognizes her Source. She does not pretend to have ‘special’ gifts that bring healing. Rather, free from the trappings of ego – looks, intelligence, status and more – she is free to be one with Me and My purpose. She does not seek to understand what is beyond understanding, but let’s it draw her up to where she has the mind of Christ, a mind that sees only with love. So her body is no longer a prison but a tool in My Hands to teach love – to no longer be a witness to the power of this world, rather to My everlasting, limitless Power and Love. For My Power is made perfect in weakness.”
Forgive me, Lord, for my self-pity. I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Your power may rest on me, too.