Comfort & Support

Whether it’s your child, your spouse, your parent or a friend...
tending to someone who has exceptional needs in addition to your day to day responsibilities can become overwhelming, even painful. There is much attention on the person who is sick or disabled, but what about you, the person on whom the daily tasks have fallen – feeding, bathing, paperwork, scheduling, transporting, advocating, doing research and peacemaking (to name a few)?
The Heart of the Caregiver® was developed to help people like us to not just survive this difficult time, but to allow it to bring out the best (maybe after bringing out the worst!) in us.
“Over the years of caring for our daughter as well as my mother-in-law, we’ve come to realize that God didn’t do this TO us, rather there is something important and beautiful He is doing THROUGH us. It is our mission to help you perceive the beauty and honor of your calling to love and serve someone with exceptional needs – chronic illness, disability, or age-related issues.”
Mary Tutterow, author
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
The Heart of the Caregiver® offers many ways for you to connect, share, learn and grow through your experience as a caregiver:
Immediate Support
The Five Steps to Transformation© is a free resource that consists of a worksheet you can download and a video you can watch now that they may help you begin to see yourself, your situation and the person you care for in a new way.
God knows exactly how you feel and what you are going through. His Word can cut straight to the heart of the matter and give you the comfort and encouragement you need to do this work you’ve been called to do. With this free resource you will be immersed in God’s Word through inspiratioin and videos sent straight to your inbox.
Digging deeper into God’s Word, you will find the Truth that can set you free from the fear, anger, resentment, guilt, and worry that can plague you. The Heart of the Caregiver® offers study guides that will help you address and work through emotions by the light of God’s Truth.
Caring for someone can be isolating, but the loneliness sets in when you think you are the only person struggling with these overwhelming tasks and emotions. Connecting with others who can empathize with you – laugh and cry with you – is life-giving. The Heart of the Caregiver® encourages your participation in our private Facebook Group. We also encourage you to join (even start!) a small group in your community or online to discuss The Heart of the Caregiver® study guides.